Course Based in Anatomy!
I think you should do a complete course based in anatomy for people how is starting in this world and want to take this serious as a job!
Comments: 6
31 Mar, '21
Thiam MergedApprendre à dessiner les organes du corps humain, squelette, vaisseaux, nerfs, traduire en français
Les coupes en anatomie
Savoir dessiner un cœur, un foie, un cerveau etc -
13 Apr, '21
CERVET Anton MergedJ'aimerais apprendre à dessiner les organes du corps humain, squelette, vaisseaux, nerfs, traduire en français
Les coupes en anatomie
Savoir dessiner un cœur, un foie, un cerveau etc -
25 Jan, '23
Marie Admin"Dessiner en anatomie humaine" (suggested by Thiam on 2021-03-31), including upvotes (2) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Mar, '23
DawnGreat idea. It will really help to learn this.
08 Jan, '24
Rotimi MergedHow to do live drawings of humans. It shouldn't be too much of a leap from what is currently there
09 Jan, '24
Marie Admin"Real life drawings" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.